Easier way to transcribe WhatsApp voice messages

Transcribe voice messages directly in WhatsApp using our bot or in our iOS app with Talknotes Plus. Talknotes Plus supports messages up to 20 minutes long.

Click, or drop your file here

💡 To download your voice messages:
Open Whatsapp, select your voice message, tap "Forward", tap the "Share" icon on the bottom right, then tap "Save to Files". On laptop, click the download icon instead of "Share"

50+ languages

Transcribe audio to text in over 50 languages.

Up to 1 minute

Transcribe up to 1 minute of audio at a time.


Your files are deleted right after transcription.

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Get Ahead with AI-Powered, Actionable Note Taking
Who still need a keyboard in the AI era? Just speak, and let the AI transcribe, clean up and structure your voice. Create clean transcripts, blog posts, video scripts & more. And it works in 50+ languages!